Register for myPension online
myPension online
Once you have registered, you will be able to manage your pension details online and keep us updated with any changes, contact us and securely upload any documents you need to send us.
Active Members
Will be able to change details of your contact information (Email and telephone numbers), change details of your nominated dependant, run ‘What if’ calculations and see how much pension you can claim if you are approaching pension age, view your latest pension values and request pension figures.Deferred Members
Will be able to change your address and contact information, change details of your nominated dependant, view your latest pension values and request pension figures.Pensioners
Will be able to change your address and contact information, details of the account to which your pension is paid. You will have access to your payment history, annual pension increase letter, P60 statements and information about your tax code, making it far easier to manage your affairs.To register
Simply click on the 'SIGN UP HERE' link on the right of this page. You will then be asked to enter the following:- Surname
- Date of Birth
- National Insurance Number
- Personal Security Number - This was included in the letter we sent you. If you don't have this, please call the pension service line on the number above.
Once you have entered these details, we will email you an activation key and a link for you to set up your account. If you use Google’s Gmail service, please check your ‘Spam’ folder for the email myPension online – Activation Key Request. To move this to your Inbox and ensure that future emails are delivered to your Inbox, right-click on the heading and select ‘Not spam’.
You will need to enter your personal details again with the activation key. You will then need to set yourself a username, password and memorable word, you will need these each time you login to the site, so make sure you remember them!
If you have any problems during the registration process, please contact the pension service line - details are at the top of this page.
You will need to enter these details:
- Surname
- Date of Birth
- National Insurance Number
- Personal Security Number
- Email address